Thursday, September 5, 2019

Day 67 - Barcaldine - Longreach

Good morning Barcaldine!

The clear skies give you nothing to make an interesting sunrise - but clear skies work for us for the time being and the sunrise was still beautiful to watch through the open door as I had a morning cup of tea.

Back on the road again at around 9.30am with no desperate rush as Longreach is a much shorter 108km than the last few day's epic journeys but drought conditions become evident fairly quickly as the vegetation virtually disappears in sections of our trip.  The road is very straight - barely a curve most of the way - and fairly boring with not a whole bunch to see or photograph.

And when Shane gets bored in the car..... well.........

Soon after though we finally reach Longreach - "sign city" it would seem.

We pulled into town and parked so that we could decide which caravan park to go to.  The big one just looked like a dust bowl and was busy so I figured flying dust would be at a premium.  The one we chose is older and a bit rambly and they certainly packed people in but there is power and water and it's reasonably priced - and folks - it's the outback!

Thankfully we were in the first quarter of people to check in so we had our choice of sites and plenty of room to back in get set up.  Once we did we headed out for a drive around to see the general area.  We'll go out tomorrow again to see specific places like the Stockmans Hall of Fame and the Qantas Founders Museum and probably leave Kitty at the van again as it will be hotter than it was today.  And it was hot today!

The streets are very wide and most have a big centre divider or centre parking.  Dodging the power poles is interesting at intersections because there seems to be one in the centre of almost every crossroad in town!  But here is a little of what the afternoon brought.

How cool is this street sign!

And these chaps having a conversation right in the middle of town.

A rich golden sunset to end the day and a big steak with vegetables and roast potato for dinner made for a perfect finish although I also did a few loads of washing just to keep up since we're here for another day.  It's so hard to get washing done when you are on the road every day so better to try to keep the pile down as much as possible.

Total - 10,842 km
Top today 33°c - expecting overnight 10°c

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