Friday, September 13, 2019

Day 75 - Lightning Ridge

Good morning Lightning Ridge!

And thank heaven Shane was up early enough to capture some sunrise as I slept in yet again.

After finishing off the rest of the washing this morning - basically because we ran out of hanging space yesterday afternoon - we headed off for a bit of a look around town.  I must admit that I had probably been expecting Lightning Ridge to look a bit like Coober Pedy - being Opal Mining towns - however nothing could be further from the truth.  The Ridge is completely different in every way - most notably three things - underground homes are not the norm here, there is far more vegetation on the outskirts and within the town, and there are very few homes with bars on the windows.  Difference #3 was somewhat reassuring.

While photographing old cars at a mine site right in the midst of the town I noticed kangaroos sheltering under the trees.  It appears that they come into the town for what green grass and water is on offer and we came to learn that a number of residents provide them with food and water.  I have to say I was pretty pleased to hear this as we saw a number of roos on the way in that just looked miserable and hungry and if I could have stopped to feed them I almost certainly would have.

With all the dust around it was inevitable that we'd see a few willy willy's - and we almost got caught up in one of the.

One of my priorities today was to make a couple of souvenir purchases that involved a bit of footwork through town.  Along the way we also dropped into an arts & craft gallery where Shane bought me something that appealed to my sense of humour.

I particularly am fond of the two flies in the top right corner especially as they have been giving me so much grief since we arrived here and will be a reminder of that part of our trip too.

Given it was warm in the car for Miss Kitty, and we had hours ago decided we would like to stay another night, we headed back to camp with a good idea of where we might like to look further tomorrow.

Total - 12,235km
Top today 26°c - expecting overnight 3°c

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