Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Day 78 - Coonamble - Dubbo

Good morning Coonamble!

Both of us awake this morning to see the sun rise however it wasn't enticing enough to get either of us out of bed however we did manage to get on the road before 9.00am again.

It was an interesting journey, thankfully the road was a little better for the most part.  As we were sailing down the highway I spotted this old car under a tree in a paddock.  By the time I was able to pull up, poor Shane had about 500 metres to walk back to take some photos.  Unfortunately this is a problem when towing and of course remember Rule #5 - Photo - No Park / Park - No Photo.

As Shane was getting back in the car a road train carrying heavy excavation equipment drove past and I noticed that a huge (read here "big ass") chain was dragging along the ground on the passenger side.  It had obviously been dragging a while as the rest of the chain was quite rusty looking but the bits that had been dragging along the bitumen were silver and the chain was bouncing around.  It was quite dangerous should he have overtaken another vehicle, not to mention the risk of starting a fire from the sparks coming off the road.

We took off after him and finally caught up with him only after sitting on between 100-110km/hr in the 110 speed zone.  I flashed my lights at him on and off  pretty much all the way even pulling out into the middle of the road when it was safe to do so and flashing lights.  He either didn't see me (although I have no idea how) or he chose to ignore me because he continued on his way all the way to Dubbo.  We ended up calling the police in the hope they might have a car in the area which could pull him over and alert him to the issue.  They said they would contact their highway patrol car but we pulled off just before Dubbo and there had been no intervention up to that point.  Someone was going to have a very expensive replacement bill for the chain - not to mention - what was it supposed to be securing?????

It's been many years since I've been to Gilgandra and although I don't remember much about it from that time I am not sure it's changed very much!

We arrived in Dubbo before midday and checked into a van park on the outskirts of town.  Dubbo has a population of just under 39,000 and I guess I knew before we got here that it was likely requiring more than an afternoon to have a look around.  We had a bit of a drive around and visited the Japanese Gardens which although small is very pretty and OMG the size of those Koi!

And then there was this duck - I'm pretty sure he was practising his Duck-Kwon-Do.

We ventured out to check where the Zoo was - because you can't go to Dubbo and not go to the zoo - but of course no animals allowed and so we just drove up to the gate and out again.

I know it was Sunday but given many of the shops were open it was pretty quiet.  I love the street lights. 

And it's amazing what you see perched on the roof of a pub!

The railway bridge is beautiful and certainly offered some great photo opportunities together with the river which was teaming with birds and insects.

Having had a good look around we decided to book in for an additional night and I urged Shane to go to the zoo tomorrow.  We both can't go as we aren't allowed to leave Kitty at the van and although the park has two dog kennels that you can leave your dog in while you go out - frankly they aren't worth having being in the direct sun all day.  We headed back to camp, booked in for the extra night and had a very pleasant evening under the awning.

Total - 12,689km
Top today 27°c - expecting overnight 7°c

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