Friday, September 6, 2019

Day 68 - Longreach

Good morning Longreach!

Obviously I slept well last night as I woke with a sore back (that happens unfortunately when I don't move during the night) and the sun was well in the sky at almost 7.00am.  On going outside I found that the towels I had washed last night were almost dry as was everything else - just a little on the cool side.  I couldn't help but think - that wouldn't be happening at home at the moment!

Knowing what we wanted to look at we had an easy morning, got Kitty settled and headed off for a look around Longreach.  Its no wonder the town is so spread out - the streets are ridiculously wide and as I said yesterday - those power poles!!!!!

After a bit of a drive around again our first stop was at the Stockman's Hall of Fame.  What an amazing building it's housed in and the displays are incredible.  This tribute to the pioneers of Outback Australia, including indigenous stockmen and land owners, was opened by the Queen in 1988 and it would truly take a couple of days to read everything and watch all the videos throughout the building. 


Absolutely worth a visit and we are so glad we went.  Plus I've fallen in love with the artworks of Howard William Steer - take a look at some of his stuff here 
I just love the play on words for the titles and also the interesting style of his work.  We actually bought one of the prints on display at the gallery within the complex called Flying Doctor's New Website.

We finished looking through after 1.00pm and headed back to the van to check on Kitty and have some lunch.  By this stage it was 35 degrees and fairly unpleasant outside with a dust warning being issued for tomorrow.  Shane decided to go and have a look at the Qantas Museum (which would have been interesting had all the components been open - but they weren't) while I opted to stay at the van and do a bit of reading because frankly it was hard to pass up the air conditioning. 

There wasn't much to tonight's sunset that was different to last night so I didn't go seeking a photo.  We had another packed park tonight with all sorts of travelling setups booked in.  Yet another gorgeous night to sit outside and eat dinner until it was time to pack up for our departure tomorrow.

Total - 10,861 km
Top today 34°c - expecting overnight 9°c

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