Friday, September 20, 2019

Day 82 - Benalla - Colac

Good morning Benalla!

Once again we were blessed with beautiful weather although it was absolutely freezing cold first thing in the morning - I mean "make your nose run" cold!  As we were still hitched up we had another early morning getaway, the first of our little group of 7 to leave this morning.

The trip on the Hume Freeway is fairly mundane as there are trees either side of both sides of the freeway which completely restrict your view to the surrounding countryside.  I suppose a benefit is less accidents caused by people looking at the surrounding countryside instead of watching the road.  Unfortunately back at Wagga I had missed a turn that would have taken us down a more central part of Victoria and probably a little more interesting but we were here now.

The first sight of Melbourne isn't far down the road and of course once you see that - what is the next thing you see?  Bunnings!  

Finally back home, caravan in place after some issues with the ground being so soft where she normally parks and sinking into the ground we had to do a bit of levelling up.  We made an effort to get everything out of the van as soon as we got home.  Unpacking is a bit depressing - the holiday is over and it's back to the real world again but we have so many amazing memories of our trip that will keep us smiling for a while to come.  In the meantime - mother nature welcomed us home with a spectacular sunset.

So there it is - our "Not Quite 100" day journey done and dusted.

Total - 13,788km
Top today 22°c - expecting overnight 10°c

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