Sunday, September 8, 2019

Day 71 - Tambo - Charleville

Good morning Tambo!

Typical - first up and last to leave!  It was a bit of a shock to the system being so cold however we were just enjoying the morning and not in too much of a hurry to get going with just over 200km to travel.  It was refreshing though to see that the dust had disappeared over night.  As we were driving back towards Tambo township we noticed a sign on the side of the road indicating a memorial site for a plane crash so we decided to take a look. 


Back on the road and heading for Charleville.  The road was a little better and thankfully the visibility was vastly improved from yesterday's dust storm.  The land is still very dry but the soil in places is very much that red from central Australia.

We took a detour through Augathella along the way, a little town off to the side of the highway which is quite a bit bigger than it appears at first.  I was amused by the use of the windows in one of the town's garages.

Continuing on down the road we finally reached Charleville.  We opted for the smaller caravan park in town which had a bit more green grass.  After being allocated a site I asked Shane to go back and swap as we were positioned under a huge gum tree that had a precarious looking branch hanging out over the site that would have been large enough to take out both our van and our car if it had fallen.  I'm not keen on having to claim on insurance this trip if I can help it thank you.

Once we were set up we did a quick shopping trip leaving Kitty at the van and then back to unload, pick Kitty up and take a drive around the area.

After almost 20 years of viewing "Imparja" television - Golders was a familiar name from all the advertisements we had seen although the original store was in Roma and perhaps we'll see that tomorrow.

A very colourful entry to the airport precinct which also houses the Royal Flying Doctors Service, and an observatory as well as some wildlife.

Back in town and we happened across a lovely little park with a pond that was inhabited by a large number of birds.

We spent a little bit of time outside tonight but the evenings are much cooler here and ended up coming inside just after sunset.  We've had such an incredible run of gorgeous weather so I can't really be disappointed but it's still nice to sit and watch the world go by while we can.

Total - 11,423km
Top today 23°c - expecting overnight 6°c

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