Friday, September 6, 2019

Day 69 - Longreach - Barcaldine

Good morning Longreach!

The light and contrast was incredible this morning!

And we had an early morning visitor.  It's very difficult to photograph doves because of the way they keep moving their heads when they walk.  I got a headache just watching him hunt for a bit of food this morning.

There wasn't much to pack up this morning but we still weren't on the road before 9.30am.  It seems to be our staple time.  However as we were preparing to head out of town we encountered four "pedestrians" ambling across the road.  I pulled the car & van over and we followed them into the park.  The leader was completely unconcerned and even stood while I photographed him from less than a couple of metres away.  Then off they wandered into the residential area of town. 

Beautiful bougainvilleas again - this time growing outside the entrance to the Stockmans Hall of Fame.

Even though we were leaving I was keen to get a few photos of the entrance to Longreach.  That's some sign!

The next town - Ilfracombe - was where we had seen all the machinery on the way in so we stopped to snap a few photos of that plus the little cabin that is open for the public and the gorgeous park in the middle of town.

And of course - what town would be without a pub - this one was very tidy indeed.

Back on the road again and we saw another four lizards - one sat right in the middle of the lane as we drove over him and thankfully four lizards lived to tell the tale today - however four tumbleweeds unfortunately died today - serves them right for crossing the road with oncoming traffic!

Back in Barcaldine and we immediately went to the showgrounds to set up right near our site from our last visit.  By the time we were set up it was 33 degrees and a really horrible hot wind and dust.  It wasn't pleasant to be outside at all but we were determined to try to get to see the Tree of Knowledge in the wind and had a few things to get at the grocery store so we left Kitty in the airconditioning of the van and quickly did the things we needed to do.  I don't know what it is about this part of the country but they sure do have an obsession with things in the middle of the road!

Back at the van and these two decided to have a snooze under the cool air. 

Shane went out to fill up with fuel and pay for our site at the information centre at around 4.30.  Thankfully it had started to cool down a little outside and of course with "Daddy" gone Miss Kitty went into guard dog mode.

When we had picked our site, one of the taps was leaking a fair bit of water so Shane hooked up to that one to save the water that was being wasted.  Well........ did we get a bit of lip (or at least beak) over that one!  It is obviously a popular spot for the local feathered friends who were all popping by for a free drink and not just one or two gave us a dirty look - so bad that I actually went out and turned the other tap on a tiny bit so it was slowly dripping to provide them with the water they obviously relied on.

This little guy and his friend popped by too.

And if looks could kill..........

As amusing as it was to see these creatures of habit give us a dirty look for stealing their tap - rest assured that the other tap was dripping and someone had placed a bowl at the bottom of the tap which had a constant supply of fresh water running into it.  They did make me laugh though with their disapproving looks.

Miss Kitty - unimpressed by the birds was giving her donkey a bit of attention - that toy has been with us now for a long time, and is one of the true favourites surprisingly still containing all its original stuffing.

Another golden sunset but as the sun was setting the wind came up again.  It was pleasant outside as thankfully the van was shielding us from the brunt of it but still very warm - in fact at 8.30pm it was 25 degrees.

Total - 10,962 km
Top today 35°c - expecting overnight 10°c

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