Friday, July 12, 2019

Day 11 - Marla

Good morning Marla!

Once again wide awake at 4.00am unable to sleep, then finally getting back into bed at 6.00 and despite the usual early morning departures I slept until 9.30am with poor Shane trying to be quiet at the other end of the van sacrificing his morning coffee in his desire not to wake me.  That was pretty much how the day started.  And no sunrise photos.......

For a small moment we did consider unhooking the car and going for a drive but the fact that there isn't much to see in Marla and the fear of some fool parking in our spot kept us at the van for the day.

It turned out to be a productive opportunity to rid gear of Coober Pedy dust, wash more clothes, and also give Kitty a freshen up with a dunk in the bath but no haircut.  Mrs Fluffy Pants will have to wait another week for that.

With the weather sitting at a very pleasant 21 degrees and an overnight of 9 we were still wandering around in t-shirts at dusk having spent the evening sitting outside with a wine or two watching the various activities of our fellow campers.

One of the biggest draw cards in camp tonight pulled in just across the grass from us.  A USA imported 5th wheeler, over 30 feet long (not including the truck pulling it) and an absolute home on wheels.  It was in fact their home and they simply move to wherever it is warm.

And yes, that is a little car poking its nose out the side of the truck for when they want to go for a drive without their home!

Given we didn't have much to report today I thought I would share with you some of the conversations we've had on our travels so far.  I should explain before I go on that we're a bit special when we get together......  We make up words, we talk a lot of rubbish and we try to laugh often.  Such is life on the road when strange things happen and we endeavour to come up with a logical (that's questionable....) explanation for it and it always seems to be that it becomes more logical as the trip goes on (to us that is).

This year it seems is the year of the Vanpire - and no that's not a spelling mistake.

If I can take you back to our first night at Beulah. We pulled in to the tiny caravan park by the river and there was just one other caravan on one of the sites.  There was no car, at least there was no car until quite late at night when we heard a vehicle pull up beside that van, no sound from people at all and next morning despite us not heading off until 10.00am - there was no-one in sight - not a whisper.  Conclusion - Vanpires.

Our second night at Overland Corner.  Just one other van at the camp and despite us arriving late afternoon and spending a bit of time outside - no-one in sight.  Next morning one minute the van was there, next thing it was gone.  Conclusion - Vanpires!

Our first night at Coober Pedy when we decided to take a walk around the caravan park in the dark and as we walked along we came across a caravan that was all lit up in the awning, a tv on with 4 chairs placed in viewing position but not a person to be seen - we looked at one another and both said - Vanpires!

And so you have it!  They walk amongst us people......  just putting out a public service announcement to beware!  We'll be sure to report any further sightings.

Total - Still 2,201 km
Top today 21°c - expecting overnight 9°c 

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