Thursday, July 4, 2019

Day 5 - Burra to Port Pirie

Good morning Burra!

This was the view from my door this morning.

This morning we woke to sunshine that actually had some warmth in it.  The packup went fairly easily and the only delay was a chat with Artie about our trip to Terowie yesterday.  Artie informed us that part of the reason it was such a ghost town is due to the asbestos that has been dumped near the town over the years.  It sort of explains a lot about the town sadly.

Thankfully no fog and the day continued to improve as we moved from our site at Burra, farewelled Artie & Ella and headed off to Port Pirie.

A fairly hilly leg of the trip that was dominated by wind farms.  I must admit I'm a big fan (no pun intended) of these things.  I think they are elegant and they strangely make me think of the Teletubbies TV show that Lakeisha used to watch as a toddler.  Anyway if you are looking for a fix of wind farms - this is your place - they dominate the hills all through this area.

Given we didn't have a very long distance to travel today we decided to stop off at Gladstone, drive through the town, and also decided to take a look through the old Gladstone Gaol.  Neither Shane or I are big fans of this type of tourist attraction, but we decided to have a look anyway.  I think both of us are turned off by the inhumanity of places like this, but then it is history and there's no denying it existed.  Walking through the blocks of cells you simply can't imagine the horrors that took place here and seeing a sign that pointed towards the "experimental surgery cells" did nothing to warm you to the tour.  That said, I guarantee that this type of prison sentence was more of a deterrent than that of current days.

These tiny windows were the only light source for these cells.

This was the maximum security wing and let me tell you, those cells were very unpleasant from the fact that there were no windows to the outside to the bed that was a cement shelf.

Back on the road again and we finally reached the Princes Highway again just outside of Port Pirie.

And how good is this????  The view from my glass of wine.... errr verandah tonight!

 The sunset was pretty spectacular too and a bevy of swans set the scene of elegance to finish off the evening.

Total - 1215km

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