Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Day 31 - Katherine - Adelaide River

Good morning Katherine!

A very pretty pink sky this morning before the sun peeked over the trees.  We had packed up last night outside so it was an easy morning really although given we'd almost run out of drinking water we opted to stop off at the local Woolies and pick up another 10 litre supply before heading off.  Although we've had a water supply at many of the places we've camped over night and for extended periods, we prefer to drink the bottled water and most definitely give Kitty bottled.  Some of the water isn't great, some is bore water and not ideal for drinking.  We use it for showers, washing up etc but not for drinking.

On the way out of town, Shane snapped a photo of the top of the railway bridge we had been beneath a couple of days ago.

The road to Adelaide River is probably one of the roughest we've encountered on the highway and certainly more hills and curves than we've had for some time.  Thankfully there are also more passing lanes as well but the idiots passing on double lines were plentiful making sections of the road a little scary.

We broke the trip at Pine Creek which is something of a legendary spot at our house.  On our last trip we stopped here for lunch at Mayse's Cafe and had a roast pork roll including gravy and pork crackle.  I have to say it was pretty amazing.  Shane has talked to people for the past 3 years about those pork rolls and was almost salivating as we turned off the highway into the township.  On arriving at the cafe we were informed that there was no pork roast today (you should have been here yesterday she says!!!!) but there was roast beef.  I thought Shane was going to cry!  I might have joined him but I'm happy to report that the roast beef rolls with a nice thick rich gravy were not a huge disappointment.  After telling the lady at the cafe the story and saying I might need to call ahead to see which day was roast pork day - as we ate the rolls outside she came out and dropped a business card on the table.  No excuse now I guess.

Back onto the highway with a mixture of beautiful and somewhat unusual scenery saw us arrive at Adelaide River Showground a little after lunch.  It's such a treat to have nice green grass and not have to worry about more red dirt for a little while.

We've had some pretty warm days recently and I think it takes it's toll on you for driving in particular, but also setting everything up.  It is one of the reasons we decide to stay at Adelaide River before getting to Darwin.  It makes for a short trip (92km) into Darwin which means you aren't arriving and setting up at lunch time in the worst heat of the day.  We enjoyed an evening chatting until the sun went down and the mosquitoes came out then it was time to pack up the outside gear and retreat to the van.

205 km
Total - 5,253 km
Top today 33°c - expecting overnight 13°c

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