Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Day 17 - Stuarts Well - Alice Springs

Good morning Stuarts Well!

To say getting out of this park was a challenge is an understatement.  In hindsight I should have just reversed out the way we came.  Trying to navigate around the various trees and the caravans still remaining in the grounds was character building to say the least, and one particular tree seemed keen to enter the caravan via the side windows at one time but thankfully we managed to get out in one piece and grateful that the van wasn't another couple of feet longer as we really would have been in trouble then.  But it was a relaxed start to the day with less than 100km to travel to Alice Springs, so we took our time and just enjoyed the leisurely trip.

More and more the terrain changes from huge rocky outcrops to vast open lands with very little foliage and back again.


And two more large budgies feeding on the side of the road.  We're going to try to get some closer photos over the coming days, but towing a van makes it hard to make a quick stop for a picture so most of the road photos are taken out the side window or fighting the sun reflecting off the windscreen.

We made it to Alice in good time and with a slight detour after pulling up at the wrong caravan park... oops ... we finally found the right one and checked in.  It seems that trees and I are going to have a little difficulty with one another this trip as our site was a bit of a nightmare to navigate in to and now that we're in, I'm already trying to work out how to get out.  There is nothing like having an audience of people watching you try to get in to a difficult site.... no pressure at all to perform.  And thankfully once at rest there was just enough room to have the awning out as Alice is our home now for four nights while we wander around the area.

The first job after setting up was to replenish the supplies which had run a bit low and a bit more washing (does it ever end?????).  But once that was done we went for a drive, up Anzac Hill to take some photos of the town from the elevated point and then out to the Welcome to Alice Springs sign which was overrun with tourists when we first drove into town.  Initially we had thought we might take sunset photos from the hill, but it was getting quite cold and having not really dressed for the cold we decided to do that another night.  We were taking photos of the welcome sign as the sun was going down so sat in the car for 20 minutes or so just to catch the sunset.  And then I noticed the moon on the other side of the road with some absolutely gorgeous colours too.  You can't beat outback sunsets really!  The depth of colour is just beautiful, despite the lack of cloud to bounce it off.

125 km
Total - 3,383 km
Top today 19°c - expecting overnight 3°c 

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