Sunday, July 28, 2019

Day 29 - Katherine

Good morning Katherine!

Apparently I missed the real colour of this morning's sunrise, but it was still pretty as it peeked up over the trees.  No rush this morning as we have to wait for Princess Kitty to wake up before she has her bath.  Well that was the excuse anyway to have an easy morning, a nice hot cup of tea and try to catch up on the blog.  I'm still not over losing a whole day to the computer gremlins having written a whole blog post which didn't save and having to completely re-do it!

After a big sleep in - that was Kitty of course not us - it was into the bath for Miss K.  The new system is working pretty well and a vast improvement on the first bath which almost killed me, my knees and my back.  Shane snapped the first photo through the bathroom window (thankfully no police ended up being called out for a strange man photographing people through their bathroom window) and the other photo over my shoulder.  We have a clean dog and the rest of the caravan didn't end up covered in water in the process - win win!

After lunch we invited Alan along and took a drive around Katherine and surrounds.  One of the art galleries specialising in aboriginal art, on the outskirts of Katherine, was interesting for a look but the prices of the art were very high and as much as I love aboriginal art, I am always uncomfortable about where most of the money goes from some of these types of establishments.  I am almost certain it's not to the artist where it should be.  Here are a few of the sights we took in along the way.  I've always loved this sign - to me it's one of the more creative "fire friendly" signs in the Northern Territory.


These photos are from an area around a boat ramp at the river just on the edge of town.

I just can't imagine flooding to this level but I imagine there is a reason why the markers are there.

There was entertainment at the camp kitchen tonight but we opted to stay at the van, listen to the music at a distance and relax.  Another beautiful night to sit outside and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

71 km
Total - 4,907 km
Top today 33°c - expecting overnight 13°c

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