Friday, July 12, 2019

Day 13 - Kernot Range Freecamp - Yulara

Good morning Kernot Range!

To say I had sleep last night would be a pretty outrageous suggestion.  In complete darkness, no idea what the time was, no idea what temperature the freezer had risen to, and just being bloody cold can make for a miserable night - believe me.  It was at about 5.00am that I gave up and got up although not quite sure what I could do to fix the situation without starting the car again and waking everyone in the camp.

As if to try to help me forget the issues - again Mother Nature put on a show and had us out photographing the first light of morning after a hot drink.

With little else to do than pack up we decided to make an early start to Yulara.  I figured we might as well be waiting in line to hook up to the powered site we had booked than sitting in the bush worrying about whether our food was still OK.  So we set off stopping only to take a quick photo of Mt Connor along the way, arriving a bit after 10.00am at the Ayers Rock Campground.  It was another waiting game - about 40 minutes after Shane went to book in we were finally off in search of our site.  To be honest the stress of the day had got to both of us and as I sit here writing this at 9.00pm I'm not so secretly wishing I was already asleep.  We headed into the township to the supermarket to top up on a few groceries after getting set up, and then both of us fought off sleep for the rest of the afternoon.  Photos tomorrow of our site and of Yulara, and of course the magnificent Uluru which we glimpsed on the way in but just didn't have the energy to pursue further.

Thankfully the freezer is now sitting on its correct temperature - all food accounted for.  The hot water works.  The fridge is happily cold.  Unfortunately the wiring for the "Anderson Plug" needs a little work since the earth wire has completely broken away, but we'll persevere for the next few days and work on a solution in Alice Springs in a few days time.  Meanwhile one of the things we are most looking forward to is the Field of Lights and Bush Tucker meal we are booked in for on Sunday and the sightseeing planned for the next few days.

Oh - and one more thing - never underestimate the pleasure of an ice-cream.....  I think the last photo says it all - that face!

146 km
Total - 2,702 km
Top today 26°c - expecting overnight 2°c 

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