Sunday, August 4, 2019

Day 34 - Darwin

Good morning Darwin!

Very little to report on today's comings and goings as it was a massive catch up on washing day.  It's amazing how much time it takes to get through the basic things when everything isn't automated.  Still we are so very fortunate to have our washing machine that had already paid for itself a third of the way into our trip based on what it would have cost to do laundry at each caravan park.

We had a few errands to run, a bit of shopping here and there, including some new tops at bargain prices, a hat and a couple of books for me.  Now all I need is time to read them!  One of the things I was hoping to purchase was a fan that will allow us to move the air around in the caravan at night without having to have the air-conditioner running.  It isn't noisy from the outside but on the inside of the van it is quite loud so I thought a little fan would do the trick.  It didn't matter where I tried - no-one had your basic desk fan and when I finally did find someone to ask I was told "no we don't have fans at this time of year because it's Winter down south!  They don't supply us with fans in the winter........."  It makes you wonder who makes the call that people in a region that experiences 33 degrees almost year round DON'T need fans because it's Winter 4,000km south.  Clearly someone isn't listening.

We did have a special treat tonight.  On Lakeisha's wedding day I bought two bottles of Moet and only one was used.  The other bottle has been sitting at home, waiting for a special moment to open it.  I offered to cook dinner for the three of us and we took the opportunity to open the Moet and celebrate renewed friendship and toast to safe travels.  We've really enjoyed spending time with Alan, Kitty has adopted him as her best friend, and as I've often said to Shane sometimes it's just nice to have other people to bounce the days events off occasionally and share a good hearty laugh with.

34 km
Total - 5,521 km
Top today 31°c - expecting overnight 17°c

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