Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Day 51 - Richmond - Campaspe River

Good morning Richmond!

I managed to be awake this morning before the first light so was pretty happy to get some shots of the amazing light this morning, particularly when the sun rose through some pretty thick smoke.

On the road again and the dinosaur signs just keep coming.

We had stayed at Hughenden on our last trip so we ventured forth with our sights on a free camp for tonight.

Just out of Hughenden we came across a single drover and his dog moving a large herd of cattle on the road for feed.  The reality of drought hits home when you see just how thin these animals are.

And mile more of nothing...... with the exception of the dust that made everything in the distance look as though it was covered in a thick haze of smoke.

The township of Prairie offered an opportunity to get out of the car and take some photos of the interesting collection of old machinery and cars.

The entire trip was tedious mostly because of the high cross winds and the terrible roads that were bumpy and uneven all the way.  Our destination for tonight was the Campaspe River Rest Area - a free camp on the edge of the Campaspe River which was barely flowing giving an opportunity to walk between its banks and take some interesting photos.  While taking photos we met Mr & Mrs Horsham who were having a whinge about their neighbours who had complained when they pulled up about having their view blocked.  On our return to the campsite, we weren't really surprised why the neighbours were complaining.  It never ceases to amaze me how people feel entitled to just do whatever they want to do without any consideration for anyone else.  When we pulled in we went to ask the people next to us if they were staying where they were so we wouldn't be intruding on their space - its not that difficult to communicate - is it?

Aside from the traffic the only sound you could hear was the birds that were in the area.  We really enjoyed sitting outside watching them all come home to roost until the bugs started to inundate us.  These things even got through the screen door mesh so we ended up closing everything up.

As we were packing everything away for the night, a family rolled in with their camper trailer looking for a spot to park.  Now it might be just me, but if I were to roll in to a camp at about 8.00pm in the dark, I think I would just look for the most obvious spot to camp and try to do so with the minimal disturbance to everyone else in camp.  Not for Mr ImHereLateAndIWantTheBestSpot who proceeded to shine a torch onto everyone's campsite, and then park right in the middle of it all blocking at least 3 people and then noisily setting his campsite up.  Welcome to Free Camping!  On the plus side though - we were grateful for everything working as it should including getting the fridge to light on gas and we were ready for a good night's sleep!

Total - 8,558 km
Top today 27°c - expecting overnight 19°c

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