Thursday, August 8, 2019

Day 40 - Darwin - Adelaide River

Good morning Darwin!

It was with much sadness that we finished packing up this morning, said farewell to Alan, and turned south onto the highway.  It has been hot and not the best for poor Kitty who doesn't do heat that well, but we've both enjoyed our time here again and can only hope that we will return sometime in the future.  Shane is particularly fond of Darwin but we still have lots of time left to explore other areas and so we begin retracing our steps down the Stuart Highway until we turn off to Townsville in a few days time.

Our trip was short today as we drove the 92km back to Adelaide River.  Once set up and having had a bite to eat we headed out for a drive around the area and the township of Adelaide River itself.  Despite being not much to look at as you drive through - the township has a few residential streets, much of the garden for most consists of palm trees but there are a few gems like this one full of colour.

The majority of homes are surrounded by high fencing.  Given there isn't much in the area it does lead you to wonder what the people here do all day.  And not much entertainment either one would think.

The Adelaide River War Cemetary is a striking element just on the outskirts of the town - a serene, green and very well kept ground.  It was a really sobering experience as you walked amongst the graves reading the ages of some of the fallen soldiers not even having reached the age of 21 many of them.

And then there was the local Catholic Church which had open sides to allow air flow and ceiling fans but I couldn't help think that it might resemble another religious place in the worst heat of the year.  It seems though that Church is out for a while anyway.

This is the local motel.......  Not quite 5 star luxury I think....

The Adelaide River itself at Adelaide River township is a mere trickle by comparison to the other end of the river where we went to the Croc Cruise.

We took a drive past Mt Bundy Station where they grow pretty tall Termite Mounds and pretty cute Donkeys and on the way back saw a guy trying to take a selfie with a Water Buffalo.

Not sure what these are but they were certainly colourful.

I loved this orchard....

From this angle I couldn't help but think of a Disney cartoon of fat ladies dancing ballet!

And then there are the black cockatoos - these birds are so beautiful but also quite shy and so far eluding the camera for me for the most part.

Unfortunately the Railway Museum was closed as we drove by but we'll try to get there tomorrow.

And of course the infamous ARSS sign - Adelaide River Show Society.

We are always wary of waterways in the northern part of the state and this one was no exception.  With that in mind I was happy to take just two shots and move on when I heard a large splash toward the back of the water and ripples moved out across the entire pond area.  Not saying it was a Crocodile but remember the rules - Don't Be a Water Buffalo - so off to the car I went.

Yet another amusing Fire Warning.

On our return to the park this little beauty had taken up residence.

Total - 6,067 km
Top today 35°c - expecting overnight 16°c

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