Sunday, August 4, 2019

Day 35 - Darwin

Good morning Darwin!

Will wonders ever cease - I managed to wake up in time to catch the first light of the morning.

I spent part of the morning annoying the dog - what else do you have a dog and a camera for if you can't take photos of the dog for your amusement?  I got so annoying that the head got lower and lower on the pillow until she huffed and put it down on the couch.  What an annoying mother I am....

We headed out yet again to do a bit of shopping - one of the things on my list was to replace my camera battery which I'd been having some concerns about.  Even if the old one lasts, it will be handy to have a backup.  I also wanted to get a few more souvenirs and gifts so we headed into Darwin city for a look around.

I'd been wanting to catch up with other friends who are currently in Darwin having come up to do the dog show circuit from Alice Springs, Tennant Creek through to Darwin.  Kerry & John had been a huge help to us when we did our first trip 3 years ago and we had travelled with them for a while and actually also did some of the dog shows with Kitty - her last shows which saw her gain the final points for her champion title.  So who'd have thought - but we ended up at a dog show tonight.  Not quite what I had expected in that we didn't leave the show until after 11.00pm and there was still judging going on when we left.  I am still at a loss why it took more than 6 hours to judge 135 dogs but there it was.  It was a pleasant night, warm with a bit of a breeze, but the surprise of the night was miss Kitty who having not been to a show in over 3 years obviously remembered exactly what was going on and was amazingly curious and watching everything she could with the exception of the hour or so that she spent lying on my lap asleep while having a belly rub.

Urrrmmm excuse me - I think you are eating my steak sandwich she says to Shane....

By the time we got back to the van, fed Kitty and tidied up a bit it was after midnight by the time I crawled into bed - feeling very much ready for sleep.

98 km
Total - 5,619 km
Top today 30°c - expecting overnight 17°c

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