Saturday, August 24, 2019

Day 56 - Townsville

Good morning Townsville!

Lots of movement in the park this morning with a mass exodus of campers however just as many if not more had moved in again by about 11.00am.

I didn't have the greatest sleep last night, just feeling uncomfortable and hot.  Little did I realise that the electric blanket was on low - I had obviously bumped it at some point - so something to watch for the future.

Where did the warm go?  The wind came up again today, it was very overcast and we were really feeling the cold.

Poor Miss Kitty obviously had a bit of an upset stomach this morning throwing up twice so I decided to keep an eye on her at the van for the day.  Shane had a couple of errands to run and a visit to his brother to make arrangements to watch the family play football today.  I figured a dog throwing up in the car probably wasn't my idea of a fun time.  Of course I had more washing to keep me occupied and we were running low on a very important supply so that coupled with the usual wash dishes/make the bed/sweep the annexe area jobs kept me more than busy for the afternoon while our four legged friend slept almost the entire day which is a bit unusual.

She seems fine and by the end of the day was looking for her dinner (and half of mine) so obviously nothing serious thankfully.

As a result though - no photos from me although Shane did get a few good ones of our nephews on the field - one playing and the other as an umpire.

We had dinner outside under the awning but there was a really cold breeze that forced us inside soon after and not long after that it started to rain which caused a flurry of action because clothes that would have been almost dry were still hanging outside and of course the annexe floor and the old doona cover that I had just put down clean today copped a soaking.  We moved what we could and of course the rain stopped but by then everything was damp.  Here's hoping it dries off tomorrow before we have to pack everything away.

Total - 8,788 km
Top today 26°c - expecting overnight 15°c

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