Friday, August 9, 2019

Day 41 - Adelaide River

Good morning Adelaide River!

Not so much fog this morning as with our last stay but the sunrise and the birds certainly put on a show!

By 8.30am there was plenty of heat in the sun and in came the flies.  I've been enjoying for most of our trip just sitting with a cup of tea watching the world wake up through my open door and even in the evenings if we aren't sitting outside we enjoy having the door open.  I think we need to invest in some fly strips for days like this!  Within moments there would be dozens zooming around the van.  I got plenty of tennis practice with a fly swat today I can tell you.

Today is a bit of a bittersweet milestone as we celebrate 41 days on the road but also acknowledge the midway part of our trip as we're endeavouring to get home day 82 to allow a bit of time to unpack and get resettled at home before I have to return to work.  But we're not focusing on home just yet - we still have almost a month and a half to discover new places and take photos - so much to see in this beautiful country.

As we were so close to Litchfield National Park I encouraged Shane to make the most of it and take a trip out there minus Kitty and I as of course no dogs allowed, and while my original thought was to give Miss K a bath, it was far too hot and far too many flies to give me the incentive so we spent a comfortable day in the van with the air conditioning venturing out for a short walk mid morning and for the most part she slept while I mucked around on the computer and read a book.  We pretty much had the park to ourselves today with only one van and a bus that is parked beside us remaining, although the bus family went out all day sightseeing as well so it was very peaceful.

Unfortunately we had no opportunity to check out the Railway Museum as once again the gates were locked despite the sign at the gate saying it was open between 9.00am and 4.00pm.  Makes you wonder if it is open at all!

We had a bit of concern during the evening as there was thick smoke coming over the showgrounds, but thankfully it was from fires that were not too close us.  Having lived in the bush for 18 years your bushfire mode is something that kicks in immediately the moment you smell smoke.

Total - 6,308 km
Top today 34°c - expecting overnight 19°c

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