Monday, August 5, 2019

Day 36 - Darwin

Good morning Darwin!

Visits this morning from a new feathered friend as well as a couple of regulars.  Unfortunately after last night's late finish the best I could do for the first morning light was a quick glimpse through the curtains before rolling over and going back to sleep!

The best part about doing washing in Darwin is that it dries in no time.  I still had a bit to finish off and will no doubt have to do a bit more before we depart on Thursday.

Originally our plan had been to go out tonight and take some sunset shots but mid afternoon poor Miss Kitty developed a bit of an upset tummy - obviously feeling the heat - so we decided that it was better to let her rest in the cool of the air conditioner.

We opted for Chinese Takeaway for dinner - the sad part of this story was the lady at the restaurant gave Shane a copy of the menu for when we came back next time.....  I can't help but think next time we'll be in Darwin is likely a long way away.

Total - 5,619 km
Top today 34°c - expecting overnight 19°c

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