Saturday, August 17, 2019

Day 47 - Camooweal

Good morning Camooweal!

And then they were gone!

Since both Shane and I were now giving poor Kitty electric shocks I took pity on her and gave her a bath to get rid of that pesky dust.  The funniest thing - a little bird came right up to the puppy pen and was literally yelling at me because of the dog dryer - obviously he thought it was way too noisy for his neighbourhood.  And he kept yelling at me until about half an hour later when Kitty was dry enough and I turned it off at which point he flew off.  There's a critic in every audience.

Having done more washing and a clean dog we ventured out to drive around Camooweal township.  There isn't much to it really and what is there is pretty rustic but it was nice to have a relaxing day without having to go anywhere.  I'm not a huge fan of a new location every night and so I do relish the opportunity to not have to pull up and set everything up every solitary night but a bit of a drive around almost always is an eye opener.

This amusing sign is at one of the petrol stations.

The town hall.

What better way to finish off the afternoon than with a nice cold ice-cream.

And of course the sunsets - unfortunately due to our little four legged friend taking just a bit too long to attend to toilet duties - I pretty much missed the sunset.  But the colours were absolutely amazing.

Total - 7,470 km
Top today 30°c - expecting overnight 10°c 

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