Monday, August 12, 2019

Day 44 - Mataranka - Daly Waters

Good morning Mataranka!

Sadly no visits this morning from the peacocks but these grumpy little buggers conned a couple of handfuls of crushed corn flakes out of me.  I'm pretty sure these are the inspiration for Angry Birds.  They even have grumpy faces!  And they constantly fight amongst themselves for the tiniest of crumbs.

We drove out the gate at 9.30am and headed back into Mataranka township to top up with fuel having received a discount voucher from the homestead.  From our experience with visiting Mataranka, this appears to be a daily occurrence where local aboriginal families come out early in the morning and sit in the parks across the road from the shops.  You can find them there at all times of the day - every day.

Back on the road, heading south once again.  There seems to be a lot more roadkill than there was on the way up which maybe kills our theory that the animals weren't coming on to the road as much.  Of course the bonus for this is that there are many more of the big birds at the side of the road.  Watching these magnificent birds is indeed amazing.

People - please - this is not a holiday.........  OK?????

Our original plan was to drive a bit further to Newcastle Waters Rest Area Free Camp for the night however given we now have no way to charge the caravan battery while on the road until we can replace the extension lead for the Anderson Plug at Mt Isa in Queensland, I wasn't willing to risk running out of battery power over night or while on the road the next day and lose all the food we have in our freezer.  So we stopped again at Daly Waters.  It was a toss up for there or the Highway Inn just a little further down the road, but we figured if we are staying somewhere for power we might as well take in the entertainment again at the pub. 

As it turned out we were squished into a site without even enough room to put out our awning.  It wasn't so bad as there was shade from a tree and by the time the sun got low enough to be an issue, the van was providing shade to sit under anyway.  But it's a little cosy sitting in your chair counting the number of ridges on the checkerplate of your neighbours caravan since that was about all we could see.  It's still warm with a nice cool breeze and Kitty is loving not having the intense heat of further north.

The entertainment was a different person than our last visit and while I've never been a huge fan of Country & Western music it always bring back memories of my dad when we've been up this way as many of the songs they play are the ones I grew up listening to dad sing and teach for his guitar classes when I was a child.  I'm pretty sure he would have loved sitting and listening.

Total - 6,811 km
Top today 27°c - expecting overnight 9°c

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