Saturday, August 10, 2019

Day 42 - Adelaide River - Katherine

Good morning Adelaide River!

And good riddance flies!!!!!!

Soooo last night didn't go so well.  About 3.00am "something" woke me and I'd have to say it was a certain scent and it wasn't smoke - and when I turned on the light there was poor Miss Kitty with another upset tummy.  I'll spare the details but suffice to say thank heaven for vinyl floors, hot water, paper towels and a mop.  Of course by the time we had fixed that little mishap I was wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep for about another 2 hours.  Thankfully Shane woke and captured a couple of shots for the morning because I was struggling to get my eyes to open at 7.50am.

It was just on 10.00am when we pulled out.... no wait - when we vacated ARSS....

By then the heat was already bearing down on us.  It is definitely one good thing about leaving early before the sun gets too hot as it's sweaty work especially for Shane with all the outside packup of hoses and leads and getting the van connected.

Our stopover for lunch was back at Pine Creek and Maysee's Cafe.  Originally I was going to call to see if it was Pork or Beef Roast Rolls today but we decided to be daredevils and take the chance on a surprise.  I'm pretty sure that was a little happy dance I saw Shane doing when the question was asked at the counter - Pork it was!

Now I'm no prude, and I'm always up for a little light entertainment - but seriously..... this dude got out of a car that had another 4 people in it.  He had obviously been driving in his underpants and proceeded to put some pants on in the middle of the street right in front of the cafe and pub.  I'm trying to eat here!!!!!!  I suppose we should be grateful that he actually had his undies on to begin with.

And along the way - another bike rider.  I'm at a loss as to how this can be a holiday.  Hot - hard work - flies - and very little distance in a day - not to mention that travelling alone like this these days would be just a tad too vulnerable for my liking.

We managed to secure a lovely spot on the grass under shady trees at Katherine.  The heat is more manageable for Kitty and there is a lovely cool breeze.  We are hoping she will be more settled as we get out of the really hot days.  I did feel very sorry for everyone at home though - looking at the comparison between the weather in Colac to here in Katherine.  I really never want to go home!  We didn't unhook the car which will make tomorrow's departure a little easier to manage.  Originally we were thinking of free-camping tonight but considering how Kitty has been in the heat we opted for power and an air conditioner.  It was lovely sitting outside reading, relaxing and talking until the sun went down.

Total - 6,514 km
Top today 35°c - expecting overnight 14°c

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