Friday, August 23, 2019

Day 55 - Townsville

Good morning Townsville!

Nothing like over-sleeping when you didn't have to be anywhere.

For years Shane and I have been going to have a game of mini-golf and just haven't got around to it - well today was the day.  As I was finishing breakfast he arrived at the door with a pair of balls and clubs and off we went.  We had to miss about three of the 18 hole course due to sprinklers running over the grass and onto the courses - yes we could have just played through them I suppose but frankly it wasn't hot enough to warrant cooling down AND a clean set of clothes on return.  We had a lot of laughs and Shane did actually get a hole in one - the smarty pants - but I'm pretty sure that Mini Golf won the round!  We shall be back to challenge though.

For me the nice part about holidays is sometimes not having to do much of anything and this morning was one of those times.  Sitting talking about what we've done and just enjoying the fresh air is as much a holiday as sightseeing and just doing stuff.  The wind came up as the morning wore on though making outside quite dusty and blowing leaves everywhere.  A man from the next "road" backing on to us in the park spent a considerable amount of time raking up the leaves across the road from him so that they didn't blow into his site - even at one point commandeering one of the park guys to help him load them onto a ute.  Within about 2 hours of this happening there were almost as many leaves back again and the wind had changed direction anyway blowing leaves previously unraked onto his site.  Seriously - if you don't like leaves - don't camp where there are trees dude!

Shane ran a few errands in the morning including a few basic groceries, refilling prescriptions and getting the battery replaced in my watch which has been running slower and slower the past couple of days.

We headed out after lunch for a bit of a drive around again.  I really like Townsville - it has massive big shopping centres but the actually city centre reminds me more of a more sleepy coastal town.  And may I just say it has a huge draw for me - my favourite gelati shop!  On our travels today we spotted some kitesurfers and figured it was worth a stop to look.

Further into town these fig trees are just amazing.  The feathery bits that grow down from the branches become anchored like above ground roots and almost form the makings of an additional trunk.  These must be some of the most stable trees on the planet - but I guess they would need to be especially in cyclone season.

We had to visit the gelati shop again and try some additional flavours (I can highly recommend a combination of raspberry and chocolate) before taking in the sunset over the marina and then heading back to camp.

Total - 8,745 km
Top today 28°c - expecting overnight 11°c

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