Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Day 38 - Darwin

Good morning Darwin!

A little bit of Darwin was peering through the hatch this morning - and it didn't take long for things to get very tropical.  It was a warm one today - not that the temperature was much different to other days but the lack of a breeze made things pretty hot pretty quickly.  So like the Mexicans we are (south of the border dwellers) we opted for the air conditioning for most of the day, venturing out this morning to give Alan a lift to the shopping centre and stocking up on a few groceries and some wine for the trip back down and across to Townsville. 

I managed to finish my second book for the trip - I had already started to read Michelle Obama's biography "Becoming" and also finished off today "The Tattooist of Auschwitz".  It is just so nice to have the time to sit and read.

We didn't take any photos during the day as it was too hot to stop anywhere with Kitty, but we did venture out to Fanny Bay in the evening to take some more sunset pictures and finished the evening with a pizza in the park. 

Total - 5,785 km
Top today 34°c - expecting overnight 19°c

1 comment:

  1. OMG How beautiful are those sunsets!!! Looks amazing. FYI your almost half way through your time off.. :( Enjoy x
