Monday, August 12, 2019

Day 43 - Katherine - Mataranka

Good morning Katherine!

Given we packed up most of the outside gear last night and with the van still hooked up, packup was a little lighter this morning, though we still didn't roll out the gate until 9.00am.  We stopped at the local Woolies to stock up on a few groceries before hitting the road again. Thankfully it was a short drive of just over 100km to Mataranka which was probably just as well because the wind had come up making towing the van character building.

As we pulled in to Mataranka I could hear a scraping noise and almost immediately knew what it would be - alas our Anderson Plug cable had pulled loose and we lost the extension cable.  The cable used to be fine with our old vehicle but the new one with a bigger tow bar made the cable too short to reach the plug on the car so we had purchased an extension.  Apparently it had come loose and the extension is now somewhere between Katherine & Mataranka.  It's a problem for us as it means that the caravan battery isn't charging while on the road and our big freezer will be pulling power.

Having not bathed Kitty or done washing as planned yesterday - today was the day.  Given we didn't start the washing until about 2.00pm 3 loads including a thick bath towel were all dry by the time evening fell.  It always gives me a bit of a giggle when we bath Kitty in her medicated shampoo that has to be left on for 20 minutes before rinsing off.  She will sometimes all but fall asleep - as was the case today.  I don't think she could look more disgusted if she tried....

Washing done and a clean and trimmed dog, neither of us were feeling much like cooking by the time we had cleaned up, so we ventured over to the homestead's restaurant for a meal.  It was a fun night - good food, too much wine and singing along to the band gave us a few laughs.  Thankfully Stu's voice was in a bit better state this week after having almost lost his voice when we stopped over on the way up so it was an enjoyable night.

It was such a lovely night we sat outside for while on our return to the van around 9.00pm.  As we sat under the outside light of the van, a bat started flying backwards and forwards across in front of us at times almost hitting Shane.  He was getting a bit too up close and personal!

Total - 6,634 km
Top today 31°c - expecting overnight 19°c

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