Sunday, August 18, 2019

Day 50 - Cloncurry - Richmond

Good morning Cloncurry!

The sights you see in the caravan park.  I'm sure this elderly gentleman knew that his ute is a bit crooked - he was towing just a small "A" shaped van but ummmm that can't be good!

On the road once more this time with "car eating" trucks.  Maybe it's the preferred mode of transport for "car eating" cows.

And more nothing..........

At least the river near Julia Creek actually had water in it.

We stayed at Julia Creek on our last trip so we opted this time to go a little further to Richmond.  Julia Creek however is a tidy little town that we really enjoyed last time.  And once again the bougainvilleas were just stunning.

We happened across a drovers camp with a large herd of cattle resting.  By the look of the amount of cow manure on the road for quite a few kilometres to the east they had been mooving along for a while.

These people however were just standing at the fence on the other side of the road.  It made me wonder if they thought it was a kind of cow parade!

At this point the road was so straight that even the power poles looked like they just disappeared into the horizon.  If only the road was as flat as it was straight.  Driving most of today felt more like being on a jumping castle for cars and caravans!

Richmond is part of the triangle of the Dinosaur trail.  We won't get a chance to look through the museum but Uthinktheysaurus never gets old as a joke.

I've often said we are lucky and today was no exception - how lucky were we to end up in the site with the best view of the lake! 

We had plenty of visits from local bird life who provided quite a bit of entertainment.  These cheeky things are certainly not shy - almost hopping in the door of the van - and they were not only noisy but bossing around the grumpy birds (which we've encountered at most van parks) but mostly the grumpy birds were fighting amongst themselves for the tiniest crumbs - and then the foreman arrived to tell them all to get back to work.  He looked like a no nonsense kinda guy.

And then there were the butterflies - I don't think I have ever seen so many in one spot with the exception of the butterfly enclosure at the zoo.  All the same kind but still just so beautiful to watch - just very difficult to photograph.

Not only was it spectacular during the day but the night view when the moon rose were amazing as well.  A pretty sunset, and sitting outside until after 9.00pm looking at the stars and chatting with various people as they passed by made for a perfect night.  One of the nearby campers asked to borrow a potato masher and on its return we gave mum two ice-creams for her two daughters.  Apparently the youngest one had just been in tears being a bit homesick so hopefully ice-cream helped just a little to cheer her up.

Total - 8,245 km
Top today 33°c - expecting overnight 12°c

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