Monday, August 5, 2019

Day 37 - Darwin

Good morning Darwin!

This morning's budgie visits were very up close and personal!  These little feathered people always amuse me as they are so inquisitive and go about their morning fossicking with such purpose.  You can almost always hear one scratching around in a nearby garden bed searching for a meal but they also like to keep tabs on what you are up to in the van - peering in past the dog pen.

It was a quiet day again today but I was grateful for the opportunity to read again and keep an eye on Miss Kitty who spent a pretty relaxed day in her spot under the air conditioning.  Thankfully she seemed far more settled today.

Around lunch time without warning the power went off and as I looked outside to see what had happened I saw one of the park employees rolling up our power cord and he mumbled something about new arrivals wanting to be together, looked for an alternate power source for us and upon finding nothing suitable proceeded to unwind our chord and plug it back in to where it was.  I don't know but I would have thought some pre-warning would have been appropriate before pulling the plug - but at any rate we were plugged back in and left alone after that.

It was such a beautiful warm evening we decided to head out to Nightcliff to take some sunset photos tonight - and here were my favourite selections.

Total - 5,706 km
Top today 32°c - expecting overnight 20°c

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