Friday, August 30, 2019

Day 61 - Mission Beach

Good morning Mission Beach!

Alarm set for this morning for an early wake up at 5.45am - there was no need as Miss Kitty decided she needed to go out about 5 minutes earlier so we were well and truly ready for this morning's sunrise which unfortunately turned out to be not quite as rewarding at yesterday.  But still some nice shots on offer.

Pancakes for breakfast this morning and a little time to run through our schedule for the last few weeks of our trip just to make sure we get back home in good time without having a massive amount of kilometres to make up.  Thankfully when I originally did a rough schedule I had left about 2 weeks at the end completely unplanned - which between the extra days we have stayed at Alice Springs, Darwin, Townsville and our unscheduled diversion north to Paronella Park and Mission Beach - it's a good thing we had those days up our sleeve.  But it's a holiday and why wouldn't you spend extra time in the places you enjoy.

We had a very relaxing day at the van and took the opportunity to reciprocate dinner with our friends Judi & Daryl with lasagne, salad and ice-creams for dessert.  We had a fantastic evening yet again chatting about all sorts of things and we both agreed as we were heading for bed that we'll actually miss their company as we part ways tomorrow.

Total - 9,311 km
Top today 26°c - expecting overnight 17°c

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