Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Day 59 - Paronella Park - Mission Beach

Good morning Paronella Park!

What a night - I found it really hard to sleep and to make it even more impossible - Kitty snored all night (despite me giving her a good jab in the ribs a couple of time to try to make her stop!)  And to really top it off we were woken at 6.30am by a small plane flying backwards and forwards across the park.  Apparently there are a number of crop dusters operating in the area and this may have been one of them.  Then about 7.45am the arborists recommenced their trimming of the trees and climbers in the park with chainsaws.  Not quite the gentle wake-up call I envisaged for the morning.

We didn't have much to pack up this morning and the car was still attached to the van so it wasn't long before we were able to leave the campground.  Given the sun was going to be on the opposite side of many of the buildings in the park we thought we would go back and tackle those 47 Grand Staircase steps once more to get a few extra photos of this magnificent place before we left.

Those concrete planters are everywhere - and I just can't comprehend the dedication it takes to make 500 of them.  You see them atop every solitary balcony, stairway and fence in the park.

To think after all the damage caused by flooding rains and cyclones that there are still some original leadlight windows existing.

And so it was goodbye to Paronella Park and along the old Bruce Highway there were some interesting sights including this Sugar Train rail which was actually part of the left hand lane in this town.

Excited to see our friends Daryl & Judi from Mildura who are travelling around as well at the moment - we were just setting up in our site at Mission Beach as they arrived from Townsville.  It was so lovely to catch up with them again over a few drinks and a late night Pizza (which happens because you get so caught up with having a chat and a laugh that you forget to cook dinner).  We had a walk along the beach looking out over Dunk Island with Kitty and their dog Jonty enjoying a bit of exercise on the sand.  The caravan park is really lovely and I can see why Mission Beach is a favourite of many during the cold Victorian winters.

And then there was the sunset!

Total - 9,205 km
Top today 28°c - expecting overnight 16°c

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