Thursday, August 29, 2019

Day 60 - Mission Beach

Good morning Mission Beach!

Well after a big discussion about going out to watch the sunrise - I was the only one to brave the early morning call.  The birds literally woke me - there was a bird who's call sounded just like "Wake Up Wake Up".  So wake up I did and saw that first light had already made its presence known - so quickly dressed and out the van I went to be rewarded with these gems.

Shane and I headed off late morning for a drive around the area.  There are some absolutely gorgeous beaches although parking can often be a challenge and must be difficult in the busy season to park within walking distance to anywhere.  And there is just something about palm trees and the beach that speak to me!  I could live like this without any effort at all.

So now we have "car eating" Cassowaries - and a person with a can of red paint and a small sense of humour.

Back at camp we decided to extend our stay by another day because who doesn't love being by the beach and relaxing in the warmth.  

Earlier this morning Judi had kindly offered to cook a lamb roast for dinner so I had made chocolate mousse with mixed berries and freshly whipped cream for dessert.  It made for a grand meal that we all thoroughly enjoyed along with a few drinks sitting out under the awning.  That was until at 6 minutes past 10 a man who stood in the shadows told us "lights out at 10" before skulking back to his caravan.  After a visit from the Fun Police it's time to break up the party and go home.  I have to say we really were just talking quietly and not laughing loudly at all and there are ways to approach a situation like that.  We envisaged him sitting in his van until 10.00 and checking his watch.  It's a holiday people - lighten up a little.

Just before dinner I snapped a few sunset pics.

Total - 9,311 km
Top today 26°c - expecting overnight 16°c

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