Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Day 45 - Daly Waters - Threeways

Good morning Daly Waters!

A big drive ahead of us today with 408km to Threeways - not something I was looking forward to as long drives are very tiring and as it turned out it was made worse by a very strong cross-wind for most of the journey.

Clearly this pair didn't get the memo about cycling not being a holiday. They had obviously stopped for a break and although they look a little suspect from this angle they were actually sitting by the roadside with some food.

A little while later we happened across another cyclist......

The day was also full of big budgie experiences with lots of roadkill this morning and the eagles were certainly not prepared to give up their find without a fight meaning on more than one occasion I had to move over to the other side of the road to avoid hitting them.

And then there were these loads which took up the entire two lanes of the highway forcing all oncoming traffic onto the verge. I don't know what you would do if you met them on those parts of the road where there was no verge. Hopefully the lead vehicle would warn the drivers well before they reached the point of no return in these stretches. We were fortunate there was plenty of room to pull over but man were they big ass buckets!!!! I can't even comprehend the size of the mining digger these were going to be attached to.

There seem to have been a few fires since we were coming through on our way north as we passed a few that were still smouldering. You can understand the urging of the fire warnings as it is obvious some of the fires are so intense they simply wipe out everything. We passed some areas that had clearly been burned some time back based on the regrowth of some of the trees but other trees were simply black sticks and very little else remained.

And more big budgies guarding their prize meal.

Oh come on......... really!!!!!!

We finally pulled in to Threeways just after 2.00pm having stopped mid-way for a bite to eat. The park was almost deserted when we arrived but it didn't take long to fill up. Not quite full but certainly there were a good number of other campers arrived throughout the afternoon.

Sunset didn't disappoint - those desert sunsets are really something.

A mural painted on the wall of the Threeways Roadhouse with a real bullbar attached. Very effective.

Our little patch of heaven for the night.

It was a bit of a shock as the afternoon wore on and the sun started to set. For the first time in weeks we actually had to rug up a bit. Which is funny because 24 degrees isn't cold but when you've been used to it being in the 30's for a while you sure do notice the drop in the temperature. We were both tempted to switch bookings and head back north again - but we still have lots of exciting things to see in the coming weeks.

Total - 6,988 km
Top today 24°c - expecting overnight 11°c 

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